With 15 years of player development experience, Colin Merrill stands at the forefront of sports video analysis as the founder and CEO of Cerebral Sports. His extensive background spans multiple levels of hockey, including the NHL, AHL, SHL, Division 1 college hockey, Canadian Major-Junior, USHL, youth and grassroots programs.

Coach Merrill’s passion lies in developing elite athletes and equipping them with unparalleled video analysis services. By fostering a cerebral approach to sports, Colin ensures his athletes gain a competitive edge, allowing them to excel in their respective fields. His dedication to excellence and innovation has made him a trusted name in player development.


Please fill out this form of inquiry so we can learn if Coach Merrill can provide the right analysis for you. Coach Merrill’s analysis is intended and most beneficial for athletes playing at elite levels of hockey. After completing the form, we will get back to you via email to explore your possible options. If coach Merrill’s analysis isn’t the right fit, we will connect you with a coach that is perfect for your analysis needs.